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About us

Babbitty Rabbitry began in 2011. It began as a 4-H rabbit project and grew into a business. We sincerely hope our business will continue to grow as great as our passion for rabbits.

We focus on the Himalayan and Californian breeds. If you need information on the breeds, help finding one, or want to know about our availability, contact us at: or call 303-644-4994. We are located in Colorado.

Now, you might be wondering.... "What does Babbitty Rabbitry mean?" Our rabbitry is named after Babbitty Rabbitty, a Harry Potter story. Our rabbits all have mystical creature names, or Harry Potter themed names. You have to have a little magic when dealing with bunnies!

"I love having rabbits! They are interesting and there is so much to learn about them."



Pictured are Bassil Ahmed and Alya Garrison, the owners of Babbitty Rabbitry.


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